/* * A library of sorting functions * * Written by: Ariel Faigon, 1987 * * (C) Copyright by Ariel Faigon, 1996 * Released under the GNU GPL (General Public License) version 2 * or any later version (http://www.gnu.org/licenses/licenses.html) */ #include #include "SortLibrary.h" /*------------------------------------------------------------------- * This file shouldn't be touched. * For customizable parameters, see 'sort.h' *-----------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* | void quickersort (array, lower, upper) | KEY_T array[]; | int lower, upper; | | Abstract: Sort array[lower..upper] into increasing order. | | Method: Quicker sort using a sentinel (ala Robert Sedgewick) | | BIG NOTE: | Precondition: array[upper+1] must hold the maximum possible key. | It is used as a sentinel, for this algorithm to work correctly. */ void quickersort (register KEY_T array[], register int lower, register int upper) { register int i, j; register KEY_T temp, pivot; if (lower < upper) { SWAP(array[lower], array[(upper+lower)/2]); i = lower; j = upper + 1; pivot = array[lower]; while (1) { /* * ------------------------- NOTE -------------------------- * ignoring BIG NOTE above may lead to an infinite loop here * --------------------------------------------------------- */ do i++; while (LT(array[i], pivot)); do j--; while (GT(array[j], pivot)); if (j < i) break; SWAP(array[i], array[j]); } SWAP(array[lower], array[j]); quickersort (array, lower, j - 1); quickersort (array, i, upper); } }